
Equipping People To Embrace Their Destiny

{Shout} Your Victory! Monday, October 1, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — jennj @ 10:47 am

Each one of us has an area(s) in our lives where we are waiting to see God work and move on our behalf.  Whether it be financial, relational, marital, in the area of business, or our hearts there is a place in each of our lives we are desperately needing a touch or word from our Savior.

As we begin this new month and change in seasons in the natural, I’m convinced God is doing a new work in our families, hearts, and lives –  the breakthrough we’ve been searching for.  Over the last few weeks and even months, it’s been the same story from many friends and family members that breakthrough is needed.  Areas that have been blocked, shut down, or seem unchanging are about to be shaken and transformed.

This morning as I read Joshua 6 and the story of Joshua as he trusted God in the victory of conquering Jericho, it is no different for us.  The beauty is our God is constant; always the same and unchanging.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  The same God that gave victory to an impossible situation then for Joshua and His people with the walls of Jericho is ready and working to do the same for you and me.

The Word says that Jericho “a fenced town with high walls was tightly closed…no one went out or came in” (Joshua 6:1).  Does this similarly describe the area you are needing breakthrough?  Does it seem like there is no movement or change in certain areas of your life?  I love the next sentence, “But the Lord said… (6:2)” And how true this is!  When God speaks to you and me, things change.  They have to.  God proceeded to tell Joshua, “I have given you Jericho, its king, and all its strong warriors.”  And He speaks the same to you and me today, “Son/Daughter, I have given you (you fill in the blank here)…”  It’s already done.

There was one command that God told Joshua.  Joshua and the Israelites were to walk around the walls of Jericho for 6 days and not say a word.  Then on the seventh day, they were to shout as loud as they can and the walls of the town would collapse and the people can charge straight into the town (Joshua 6:5).  And that’s exactly what happened.  In the natural I’m sure the city of Jericho was watching the Israelites march for seven days around the city thinking they were crazy.  And of course I’m sure it looked a little weird that nothing happened for that week.  You may feel like you’ve been marching for days, weeks, months, or even years around an issue or area in your life and continue to see no change.  BUT God says today to SHOUT your victory and you will see complete collapse and breakthrough.

Yesterday morning as I was in the Word, the Lord took me to Psalm 21:13 “Rise up, O Lord, in all your power.  With music and singing we celebrate your mighty acts.”  It’s time for us to make music and sing as we celebrate His mighty works in our lives and situations.  Shout and sing a song of victory today.  And you will see the hand of the Lord show Himself strong on your behalf.  And it will happen quickly.  It’s a season of change…a season of the impossible bowing to the mighty acts and voice of the Lord.  Sing, dance, and make music before your King.  And watch your victory unfold.


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